Annual Leave Carryover and Annual Leave Exchange for Leave Year 2023 – Policy Exception – Career Non-Bargaining Employees
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NAPS HQ continues to request, receive, and monitor the EAS work hours that are being reported on the survey in conjunction with the NAPS negotiated memorandum that all exempt Postmasters level 22 and below and all exempt Station Managers of Customer Service be entitled to additional pay should the need arise where they are required to deliver mail. As a reminder, this data can serve to validate the mandate that EAS deliver mail in violation of the CBA as well as support the request for additional pay for work hours used for the “delivery of mail.”
NAPS is receiving weekly updates on this data. The last results were shared in Board Memo 015-2023 (February 27, 2023). Attached are the most recent survey results from March 10 and March 14.
Please share this information with your membership.
Click here for Survey results from March 10 and Survey results from March 14