Category: News

SWCs Meeting Minutes Thursday 8-1-19

Supervisor Workload Credit System Work Team Meeting

Held at the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Uncasville CT. on Thursday 8/1/19

In Attendance – Thomas Roma – NAPS

James Warden – NAPS

Doug Tulino – USPS

Bruce Nicholson – USPS

Issues Discussed:

The Capital Metro Area had chosen Fairfax for the pilot site. After all data was finalized, Fairfax did not earn an additional supervisor. It was discussed to choose Chantilly as this Office has numerous rural routes, expanded tour of operation and qualifies for an additional supervisor. Mr. Tulino will ask for this site to be approved. Once approved the date will be determined for the pilot study.

A kick-off meeting will take place with the respective District Managers from the Districts where the pilot sites are located. The purpose of this meeting will be to inform the District Managers of the pilot sites, the purpose of the pilot and enforce the engagement needed by the District for this pilot testing. This meeting will take place after the final site (Chantilly) is approved.

An issue was discussed involving the tour of operation. Some Offices are open for operation 20 hours daily. Though larger Offices utilize a supervisor on tour 1 many utilize a clerk in charge as the staffing is minimal. Rather then hold up the pilot study to determine the work load credit for the extended hours of operation it was discussed to look at this work load in the pilot offices it pertains to during the study. The pilot will also include offices with rural routes and studies will be conducted during the pilot of similarities/differences with supervisory workload with those city and rural routes.

A review of the new SWCs program was discussed.

The program shows just over 3,000 supervisors are needed. The program had been updated using the authorized number of supervisors when prior the program was using data from Webcoins. Webcoins did not show the vacancies as authorized positions. This was the reason why the number needed in the new program to establish was higher prior.

It was also discussed the amount of supervisors now authorized in level 18 Offices. The number is approximately 1,300. The concern with this is the 15 hours of clerk (APWU) work that is authorized to be performed weekly. The program authorizes the first supervisor at 12.5 hours of supervisory work. There are approximately 156 level 18 offices that qualify and currently have a supervisor based on the current SWCS program. The program has been modified to only show the Level 20 and higher post offices. Level 18 offices will be analyzed separately.

By not including the level 18 offices in the program this would reduce the number of supervisor to increase to 1,779.8.

The reason the new SWCs number shows a .8 supervisors is the program has been adjusted and an Office showing a work load of 12.5 hours to 20 hours will be given a supervisor with a Non-Traditional Schedule allowing that supervisor to work in multiple offices. The bid will specify the specific work hours and offices with specific rest days.

Jimmy Warden

SWCs Committee Chairman – NAPS

President’s Postal Task Force Report: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”

President’s Postal Task Force Report: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”





On December 4, the President’s Task Force on the United States Postal System finally released its assessment and recommendations regarding changes to the United States Postal Service and the nation’s postal system. The report had been provided to the President back in August.

The 69-page document recommends a reformed USPS business model, with more cost efficiencies and a reduced universal service obligation, and added reliance on private competitors to meet the nation’s communication and commerce needs. The report favors the retention of the comprehensive USPS delivery network, but would loosen the delivery and mailbox monopolies and provide greater advantage to the Postal Service’s competitors.

The report’s 25 recommendations, 15 for implantation by the Postal Service and Postal Regulatory Commission, and the remainder for Congressional approval, do not call for privatization of the Postal Service but represents a glide path for transition to a privatized Postal Service. In that context, there are recommendations that are good, others that are bad and some that are ugly.

The Good
The Task Force recognized the reliance that rural America and outlying communities have on the U.S. Postal Service and the necessity of preservation of the comprehensive postal network without undermining its use to rural residents and businesses. The report also notes the 7 current vacancies on the Postal Board of Governors to exercise the Board’s important strategic planning and governance responsibilities. Also, the Task Force suggested that the Postal Service explore and implement new products and services that generate revenue, and co-locate complementary retail establishments within existing postal facilities. Finally, the Task Force suggested that the Postal Service’s retiree health liability be re-amortized and re-calculated using actuarial data limited to current retirees and employees near retirement, rather than all postal employees and retirees.

The Bad
There are also recommendations that are problematic. The Task Force urged the Postal Service to expand contracting-out postal operations, including retail service, mail acceptance and mail processing. And it recommended the pricing of competitive products, such as small parcels, bear a significantly larger portion of the Postal Service’s overhead costs, a view consistent with United Parcel Service’s agenda and the President’s view regarding Amazon. This recommendation sets the stage for a full frontal pricing assault on package shippers through pricing that captures the greater costs associated with financing of the Postal Service’s “Universal Service Obligation” (USO), capital expenditures and long-term liabilities. This new burden would result in escalating prices for parcels and items originating or delivered to rural and outlying areas. Also, the Task Force would restrict the scope of the USO to those postal products and services deemed to be “essential” versus types of mail and packages deemed “commercial” and without government protection.

The Ugly
Finally, there are recommendations that upend the Postal Service’s historic role as a government-reliant contributor to commerce and communication throughout the nation. The Task Force recommendation that delivery mail boxes be opened up to private-sector competitors through licensing agreements raises a host of policy, privacy and operational concerns, as does the conversion of more post offices into privatized contract units. The Task Force’s recommendation that the USO be narrowed and defined by the content of the mailed item and that access to a government-operated postal retail facility be limited raises concerns about the affordability and accessibility of the nation’s postal system. The Task Force’s recommendation that postal services be reduced, along with delivery days, disregards steadfast directives of Congress for decades. Similarly, the changes recommended by the Task Force in the Federal Retirement System, in which USPS employees participate, to increase employee contributions and to convert, where possible, to a defined contribution system would generate strong resistance in Congress.

NAPS will be working with Congress and postal policy-makers to help implement the good, but reject the bad and the ugly.

Re-Election Announcement

Re-Election Announcement








Date April 3, 2018

NAPS Northeast Area Branches

I hope this letter finds you and your members in good spirits after this long and hard winter. Now that
spring has hopefully arrived and our thoughts turn to warmer days, I want to thank all of the branches
in the Northeast Area for the support you have given me since I assumed the role as your Northeast
Region VP.

We have been through a lot together, Including consolidations, restructuring, downsizings, and we
have made it through these events working together throughout the Postal Service’s Northeast area.
You know that you can count on me when you need help.

Now, I am asking for your help. I am running for re-election to serve you for another two year term as
your NAPS Northeast Region Vice President to continue to represent you and the members of your
branches. I would appreciate your full support so that I can continue to be your voice for NAPS at the
regional and national level.

The NAPS Northeast Region is #1 in membership because of the work that you do at the local level.
The support that I receive from you, your Area Vice Presidents, Jimmy Warden, Hans Aglidian, and
Greg Murphy, is second to none. We have a good thing going here In the NAPS Northeast Region, and
with your support we can continue to be the best.

I hope to see you at the conventions in our region, where we can discuss any matters that are
important to you and your members.

Best regards & Stay Strong.

Tommy Roma

Northeast Region Vice President.


Board Memo 033-16 – Sunset NAPS Forum

Executive Board,

The Executive Board at its recent Fall meeting voted to sunset the NAPS Forum on the NAPS website for the reasons outlined below. Because the Fall Board meeting minutes will not be published until the January 2017 issue of The Postal Supervisor, please forward this Board Memo to your members to provide notice of the Forum’s closure, effective November 1.

The Board voted to sunset the Forum for several reasons:

To protect the NAPS organization and its members from liability related to inappropriate and slanderous posts on the Forum.

Numerous Forum topics/posts did little to advance or promote the welfare of the NAPS organization; some, in fact, contributed to misunderstanding or represented bullying towards other members.

The NAPS constitution and bylaws envision the resolution of member questions, issues and concerns through their respective branch, state, Area and Regional officers, rather than a public forum.

Effective November 7, NAPS established a new Bulletin Board on the NAPS website for sharing information. Members may go to and, under the Members Section, click on the Bulletin Board link where they will find NAPS HQ correspondence and mail received, board memos, NAPS/USPS consultative minutes and other information.

In addition, NAPS members are encouraged to send questions, concerns and issues to NAPS HQ at [email protected] to be addressed or forwarded to the member’s respective NAPS Regional or Area VP.

Thank you for sharing this Board Memo.

NAPS Headquarters

USPS Newsbreak

NAPS HQ was informed by USPS HQ officials that a cyber-breach of USPS employee data occurred. Please share the attached USPS Newsbreak, FAQ’s, and Employee Handout with your NAPS membership. NAPS will provide any additional information received to the Executive Board and will post this information on our NAPS Website under Breaking News.

Thank you.

Tommy Roma


Notification of cyber intrusion and employee data compromise

The Postal Service recently learned of a cyber intrusion into some of its information systems and an investigation began as soon as the intrusion was discovered. Steps already have been taken to strengthen the security of USPS systems and there will be additional measures in the coming days and weeks.

The investigation indicates that files containing employee information were compromised, including names, dates of birth, social security numbers, addresses, beginning and end dates of employment, and emergency contact information for all active employees. In addition, we are aware of a possible compromise of injury claim data that we are still investigating involving a small number of employees. Individualized letters will provide everyone with specific information about their particular situation.

PMG Patrick Donahoe has recorded a special video for employees with background information, an explanation of steps being taken to protect employees, and an explanation of resources available on the cyber incident.

“I’d like to say how bad I feel that the whole organization has been victimized,” says Donahoe. “The Postal Service has put in a lot of effort over the years to protect our computer systems and the bad guys haven’t been successful until now.”

Donahoe apologized that the incident happened. “You also have my commitment that we will help all of our employees deal with the situation,” he said. “We are a resilient organization and we’ll get through this.”

Click here for full Newsbreak Article.



USPS Cyber Intrusion and Employee Data Compromise
November 10, 2014
Employee Frequently Asked Questions

1. How and when did the security breach occur?

The Postal Serve recently learned of a cyber intrusion into some of its information systems. This type of intrusion is not unique; you likely have read multiple news stories on similar intrusions into U.S. companies and other Federal government agencies. We are not aware of any evidence that any of the compromised employee information has been used to engage in any malicious activity. We are working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, the USPS Office of Inspector General, the Postal Inspection Service and the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team. The Postal Service has also brought in private sector specialists in forensic investigation and data systems to assist with the investigation and remediation to insure that we are approaching this event in a comprehensive way, understanding the full implications of the intrusion and putting in place safeguards designed to strengthen our systems.

2. Why were employees not told of the breach immediately after it was discovered?

Communicating the breach would have put the remediation actions in jeopardy. We are unaware of any evidence that any of the compromised employee information has been used to engage in any malicious activity or to enable identity theft crimes.

Click here for full Employee FAQs.



USPS Cyber Intrusion and Employee Data Compromise
Employee Handout

This document provides you with information about the recent cyber incident. It is meant to accompany a stand-up talk from your manager/supervisor, after you’ve seen a special PMG video message, and/or stand-up talk on November 10, 2014. All impacted employees will receive a letter at their address of record within ten days.

The Postal Service recently learned of a cyber intrusion into some of our information systems. This basically means that someone who didn’t have permission was able to get into some of our computer networks. This type of intrusion is not unique; you likely have read multiple news stories on similar intrusions into U.S. companies and other Federal government agencies.

We began investigating the intrusion into our systems as soon as we discovered it. We are working closely with the FBI, the Department of Justice, our own Inspector General and Postal Inspection Service, and the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team. Additionally, we’ve brought on outside experts who specialize in investigations and data systems to help us understand what happened and how to improve our security.

Click here for full Employee Handout.

NAPS Advocacy Call to Action

NAPS Advocacy Call to Action





NAPS Advocacy Call to Action

Tell Congress: Stop the Closure of More USPS Mail Processing Plants

NAPS urges all members to send a message to their House Member and Senators opposing the Postal Service’s plan, announced June 30, to further restructure the mail processing network through the closure and consolidation of 82 more processing facilties throughout the country. The closures, spread among 39 states, will begin in January 2015.

Enough is enough. NAPS opposes the Postal Services plan because it will further slow down the nation’s mail service, further dismantle the network, and eliminate more than 15,000 middle-class jobs. The plan will largely eliminate overnight mail delivery and require USPS to reduce service standards before beginning closures.

Veterans also will be hurt, since nearly one-third of the Postal Service’s workforce is comprised of veterans. Veterans are not entitled to any preference or future employment rights when postal facilities are outright closed.

The Postal Services’ finances do not require such drastic action. Package volume continues to grow. The Postal Service would have earned a profit for the last fiscal year (2013) and the first two quarters of fiscal year 2014, but for the burdensome retiree health benefit prefunding requirement that has sapped the Postal Service of billions of dollars.

This is not the time for the Postal Service to shrink its network and risk the loss of processing speed and overnight delivery. NAPS calls upon the Congress to impose a moratorium on the closure of the 82 mail processing facilities and preserve the best mail delivery system in the world. (Read NAPS’ statement here.)

To quickly send a message to your House Member and Senators opposing the Postal Service plan and calling for a moratorium, please click here. It will take less than 30 seconds of your time.

NAPS needs every one of its members to raise their voices. Please forward this message to your colleagues, relatives and friends to ask them to add their voices.

Thank you for getting involved on this important issue.

National Association of Postal Supervisors