Sales Meeting – September 23, 2011

President Atkins thanked Mr. Rucker for agreeing to participate in a meeting on Sales with NAPS. We moved into the prepared agenda that was provided to the Postal Service in advance of the meeting:

Agenda Item 1:

On August 4, 2011, NAPS sent a proposal to the Postmaster General that, if implemented, would transfer the current Sales group from a headquarters reporting structure to a structure that would report to the District at the local level.

This proposal was referred to the Vice President, Sales and the Chief Human Resource Officer for review. What is the status of your review of this proposal?

We have received information that now there are two Postal Service Areas that are conducting “pilots” where detailed employees, (not headquarters employees) will be used to receive leads that will be contacted via telephone. A determination will be made by the individuals making the calls if a sale can be completed by the call or whether the sale will be given to District employees or Headquarters Sales employees.

With this pilot be expanded nationally? Will this cause redundancy in harvesting Sales? Won’t this impact the Sales goals of Headquarters employees and cause in-fighting between three groups reporting to two or three different structures? This pilot indicates to NAPS that we should place Sales under postal Districts.

Download full minutes here.

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