Civilian Service Recognition Act of 2011 – a Thank You

Dear Mr. Killackey:

This morning, President Obama signed the Civil Service Recognition Act of 2011 into law. This step could never have been achieved without your help.

When we began our effort to ensure that an American flag is provided to the next of kin of every federal civil servant who is killed in the line of duty, we knew that we would need broad support. In short, we had what we thought was a great idea, but great ideas are not enough. It takes dedicated people and their energy and hard work to turn ideas into reality. Thank you for being one of those people.

As you know, the legislation passed both Houses of Congress without a dissenting vote. Your timely letters, the support of the National Association of Postal Supervisors and your leadership, and your personal commitment to do the right thing for civil servants who make the ultimate sacrifice for their country were a joy for us to witness.

We have always believed that this nation’s federal workers represent the very best in America in their traditions of serving with honor and excellence. Thank you so much for helping us recognize them for their devotion to the nation.

We wish you the very best this holiday season and in the coming year. We know that many others benefit as well from your wonderful work. We’re proud and thankful to count ourselves among those fortunate to have your help.


Robert Gest III and Terry Newell


Robert and Terry,

I was more than glad to offer my assistance in your efforts to provide proper recognition to federal employees who give their lives in service to our country. I was more than happy to intercede with the organizations that were objecting to your worthwhile cause.

Once I explained what the meaning of your bill was, the organizations seemed more than willing to change their objections and now federal civilian and law enforcement authorities who make the ultimate sacrifice for our country (and their families) will be recognized accordingly. You have made my day by sharing this news with me.

Merry Christmas!

Jay Killackey
Executive Vice President
National Association of Postal Supervisors

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